Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE C:\a Setup.dbg Starting SNITerm tool setup. Standard Networksa Emu Terminal Emulatora Emu.exe EmuUnInstA Cannot setup Deinstall in directory b IGLicDLL.dll SOFTWARE\Standard Networks\Emu LicenseKey ISFetchKey2 Enter your license key, or leave the field blank for a 30-day evaluationb SOFTWARE\Microsoft\li8 IGLicDLL.dll; ISFetchKey2 IGLicDLL.dll; ISCheckLic2 You are already evaluating Emu. This new installation will use the same expiration date. A previous evaluation of Emu has expired. If you need further evaluation, contact Standard Networks at (608)227-6100 or IGLicDLL.dll; ISMakeLic2 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\li8 IGLicDLL.dll; ISSetKey2 IGLicDLL.dll! ISCheckLic2 SOFTWARE\Standard Networks\Emua SOFTWARE\Standard Networks\Emua LicenseKeyA Thank you. Your key checks out OK. Choose OK to continue the installation.* IGLicDLL.dll! ISCheckLic2 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\li8 IGLicDLL.dll; ISSetKey2 This key is invalid: Please try again.* SNI\Apps\Emu Emu Terminal Emulator$ Select the directory for the b Standard Networks" At FolderSelection: b General! Copying program files... Emu\*.*A Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Creating Folder and Icons...." Emu.EXE Emu Terminal Emulatorb Cannot add program b to $ Error code = $ Emu.HLP Emu Terminal Emulator Helpb AuthoringToolReleaseNotes.html Emu Release Notesb UNINST.EXE unInstall Emu Terminal Emulatorb$ Installation complete. Some files could not be installed because they are a3 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart $ your system at this time. About to CommitSharedFiles Restart Windowsb Setup is complete. The program has been installed in the b program group. menu under Programs. Terminating. Setup SetupA Error code = $ 2.20.905